15 Stories

15 Stories
december 26, 2016 ingeborg


The Wild Woman Dances


15 Stories


‘Women Who Run With The Wolves. Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype”. The book of Clarissa Pinkola Estes which travels with me for already a long time now. A book with beautiful and powerful Stories for Women.

“So, the word Wild here is not used in its modern pejorative sense, meaning out of control, but in its original sense, which means to live a natural life, one in which the creature has innate integrity and healthy boundaries. These words, Wild and Woman, cause Women to remember Who they are and What they are about.

With Her as Ally, as Leader, Model, Teacher, we see, not through two eyes, but through the eyes of intuition which is many eyed.”

Clarissa Pinkola Estes


Stories move you. They can be a powerful medicine. Also the Dance has these healing qualities: Dance makes you feel Whole. By Dancing, Body and Mind are finding their balance again.

In this series of Dance Mornings you will experience the combination of these two, Dance and Stories.



15 Stories

15 Dance Mornings


We will start the morning with a good warming up. To get yourself into your Feet and out of the head. Most of the time I will use the Five Rhythms.

For the Dance and the Movement exercises later in the morning I use DanceTherapy, Authentic Movement, Tango, Dance Expression and Dance Improvisation.

And, of course!, I will read you a Story.



February 8 ~ La Loba

February 15 ~ Bluebeard

February 22 ~ Vasalisa the Wise

March 8 ~ Manawee

March 22 ~ Skeleton Woman

March 29 ~ The Ugly Duckling

April 5 ~ La Mariposa

April 12 ~ The Red Shoes

April 19 ~ SealSkin, SoulSkin

Mai 10 ~ La Llorona

May 17 ~ Baubo

May 24 ~ The Crescent Moon Bear

June 7 ~ The Woman with Hair of Gold

June 21 ~ The Handless Maiden

June 28 ~ Canto Hondo



9.30 h – 11.45 h



Haags Ballet Centrum

Deventersestraat 21

2587 SX Den Haag

Het Haags Ballet Centrum is easily reachable with Busses 22 and 23 and Trams 1 and 9. Free Parking til 13h.

Ring the bell of HBC/Studio 2. In the building follow the indications Haags Ballet Centrum.



15 x Dance 225 euros

5 x Dance 90 euros

1 x Dance 20 euros


Come & Dance!


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